Sunday, February 11, 2007

Class Assignment 02/08/07

Can you post the requirements for the assignment we attempted in class on thursday?


1 comment:

Nick Roth said...

This is also included near the end of the slides for this week (downloadable from "Course Materials" on the left):

Thursday's assignment was to write some code that ...

-Uses at least three variables
-Uses at least two datatypes
-Uses at least one expression
-Uses at least one if statement
-Uses at least one for loop
-Uses comments to describe what the programming does
-Uses two functions, at least one of which must contain some arguments and at least one of which must return some value
-Uses at least two movieclips

About the CTVA 468 Blog

This blog is meant for students enrolled in CSUN's CTVA 468 class (Advanced Multimedia), devoted to programming with Flash.