Thursday, February 1, 2007

A Request for Photos

I'm trying to learn everyone's name and I'm wondering if everyone can send me a picture of themselves, along with their name (if it's not clear from your email address). Doesn't have to be a good picture as long as I can see someone in there who resembles someone I normally see in class. You retain full copyright on your photo and I promise not to sell the pictures to glamour magazines. But it'll make the name-learning thing a whole lot faster for me.

Unless, of course, you don't want me to know your name, in which case it's fine if you don't send a picture ... though it will make the grading process at the end of the semester a little easier if I know who you are.

Please send the pics to


1 comment:

fjblogger said...

Just wanted to say that I emailed you my pic!

About the CTVA 468 Blog

This blog is meant for students enrolled in CSUN's CTVA 468 class (Advanced Multimedia), devoted to programming with Flash.